Random is my middle name

Here are a few pictures for your viewing pleasure.  At least I hope it’s pleasurable for you. One of my more recent “races” was a 5k Run for Relief to support ministries who are working with peoples in and from Burma.  Friends from TLC joined me, and we all did a great job!  Oh, and I ran barefoot … “Thousands of villagers flee their homes […]

Shame on me! So here’s an update

I am a bad blogger. Maybe when I write blogs they could turn out alright, but as far as sitting down and actually writing them, well….. I hang my head in shame. Here are some updates from the last month or so… John, Nok, and Iew were baptized in September!  These are my small group members who came to Christ at the beginning of this […]

BBQ Like You’ve Never Had It Before

We took 50 people to Thai BBQ a few weeks ago for a Friday night event.  Students, teachers, and TLC staff spent time together having fun, eating, and getting to know each other.  WHAT FUN!  But let me tell you about Thai BBQ. Thai BBQ is … intense.  The short story is that you sit and eat for three hours. The longer explanation is that […]