Run Forward

Run Forward

Sometimes people ask me for advice as they want to start running. The best advice I received when I started running is what I pass along to others: Run forward. Of course people usually run forward, as it takes a lot of concentration and different muscles to run backward. But the point is to put all your effort into moving forward. Too many runners run […]


It was 78 degrees when I started running at 7:30am, and when I finished 1 hour, 51 minutes and 42 seconds later, it was at least 86 degrees and climbing quickly, and of course it felt hotter than that after being in the bright sun for so long.  I was drenched, if you hadn’t guessed (and I’m sure you wanted to know), but after running […]

Random is my middle name

Here are a few pictures for your viewing pleasure.  At least I hope it’s pleasurable for you. One of my more recent “races” was a 5k Run for Relief to support ministries who are working with peoples in and from Burma.  Friends from TLC joined me, and we all did a great job!  Oh, and I ran barefoot … “Thousands of villagers flee their homes […]

This is Thailand… It costs an arm and a leg!

Or mostly just a leg.  Here is a display for prostheses that was at a recent race I ran.

Race of Legends! Laguna Phuket Triathlon 2010

1.8km swim (1.2km in the ocean + 100 meter dash across the sand + 600 meters in a freshwater lagoon) + 55km bike (route with three long, steep hills and uncountable sharp curves … in the rain) + 12km run (on trail, pavement, cobblestone, and golf course) = The Race of Legends! I promise, I didn’t make that up.  (Check it out if you don’t […]

Mekong River International Multisport ITU Asian Cup 2010

That’s the long name for the racing weekend I had in Nong Khai last Friday through Sunday.  Nong Khai is in eastern Thailand, along the border of Laos, and I went with a few friends to join in the race events. Friday = aquathon = 1.5k swim (down the river), 5k run Saturday = duathlon = 10k run, 40k bike, 5k run Sunday = triathlon […]

“3:03:08” or, “The Persistence of a Persistent God”

Three kilometers into the run, I wondered what I was doing.  Stopping wasn’t an option; walking wasn’t either.  With seven more kilometers to go, determination rose in my heart and in my mind – You have to keep going.  You will finish.  You have to.   It was a stronger feeling than I had during the 1.5 kilometer swim and 39 kilometer bike just before.  Why […]

Accident – and NOT on my motorbike

Accident – and NOT on my motorbike

This past Monday evening I was running along a small side street, and a pickup truck came around a curve too sharply.  He wasn’t going toooo fast, and I thought he had plenty of time to see me.  But, he didn’t move, so I thought I could run around him. (I run going opposite traffic so I can see what’s coming)… so I ran to the side of the road […]

What a day!

January 27, 2008, a day that will go down in history… I ran my third race, a 6.57k (4mile) run. I placed third in my category (females 21-30 years old), and had a “podium finish” complete with a trophy! ……and…. my bike was stolen. 🙁 This is me filing a police report at the station, with my key and no bike. But, God is good […]

My Second Race

Here is my number and finisher’s medal from my second race – 10.55k / 6.55 miles. It was fun!