Brain Connections — Random or Not?

Have you ever seen a certain thing and immediately thought of something else? I’m sure you have. Our brains make connections and associate one thing with others from our memories, knowledge, and experiences.

Sometimes the sudden thought makes sense to us — I see a cake for sale and remember that my mom’s birthday is coming up. Sometimes the association is absurd and I wonder how my brain jumped eighteen steps to that thought — I hear a song about winter weather and remind myself to unplug the toaster before I leave the house for a few days. Our brains are curious things.

Then there are times when I realize that my brain is not completely responsible for these thought gymnastics. I believe that God uses normal objects and everyday experiences, and also unusual ones, to help us think about bigger things, and to teach us a lesson we may not have learned otherwise.

The key is to have open ears and open eyes to notice when God is speaking this way.

What’s been your latest (and craziest?) “random” thought connection? What is God trying to teach you throughout your brain connections and your normal day?